However, where it gets interesting is the formatting of numbers using signs, decimal points, and binary data. I wrote a little script that uses JZOS to format data into a copybook equivalent byte stream and tried a couple simple test cases to see what happened.
['99V99', 'S99V99', 'S99V99 COMP-3'].each { format -> def slurper = new CopybookSlurper(""" 01 TESTING. 03 BEGIN PIC X(6). 03 MIDDLE PIC $format. 03 END PIC X(4). """) def writer = slurper.getWriter(new byte[slurper.length]) writer.BEGIN = 'BEGIN|' writer.MIDDLE = 43.86 writer.END = '|END' println new String(writer.getBytes(), 'IBM-37') }
After the script ran, I had the following outputs.
So, the decimal point is assumed, it doesn't show up in the output at all. When I add the 'S' to have a sign, it changes the last digit in the number. Half of the byte is used to determine the sign, so the '6' gets converted in a binary value, which in this case happens to print as a 'F'. And of course binary data doesn't really look like anything if you try to print it as a String, it doesn't even reliably take up the same number of characters.
I probably knew this at one point, back when I was in COBOL training, but it was helpful to have a refresher course.
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