Simple XML Data Scrubbing

Simple XML Data Scrubbing
Worked on a project recently where the team had some XML data that they wanted to be 'scrubbed' before passing it along to other teams. Being that it was in XML, Groovy seemed like a perfect place to create a very fast and simple scrubbing program. To...

Converting A Variable To Fixed Length File

Converting A Variable To Fixed Length File
Going to start off the new year right with some JCL DSORT processing! I want to process a mainframe file on a windows machine so I can use some Java tools (like the Copybook Slurper) to process the file contents. The file contains comp data  so...

React Debug Display Component

React Debug Display Component
Been playing around with React recently in preparation for a new application. I wanted verification that object state was being manipulated when I hooked up onChange events to my form. I'd been using console logs, but I realized I should be able to easily...

Groovy Method Tracer Transformer

Groovy Method Tracer Transformer
In general I don't find trace logs for entering and exiting a method to be very useful, but occasionally I work with teams that do. There are great options using Spring or AspectJ, but I was in a Groovy project that didn't have either readily...

Parallel Processing of Directories/Files

Parallel Processing of Directories/Files
I've been working with a rules engine product recently that stores all of it's instructions in XML files. To support their rating algorithms, my company now has over 11,000 XML files stored in over 800 directories. These files can relate to one another...

Spring Controller With Groovy HTML Generation

Spring Controller With Groovy HTML Generation
I was working on a small Java POC and wanted to be able to quickly generate some HTML, so I decided to try Groovy's MarkupBuilder. In theory it meant that I had a single file that handle the entire view, instead of shipping the rendering work off...

CICS Web Converse

CICS Web Converse
I work in a shop that has a lot of CICS assets, and as our systems evolve the CICS applications need to connect to systems that reside elsewhere, often exposed via HTTP. Many of these new services are being exposed via REST. In the past we've connected...
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